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Community Food Insecurity Project

While food insecurity remains a major problem around the globe the number of food insecure individuals around the world has steadily decreased. Now that you've had a chance to examine food insecurity in the Greater Lafayette Area, it's time to take a look at your own community! 

Assignment requirements

1. Research food and nutritional insecurity indicators in your community. Include your results in one paragraph, summarizing the food insecurity situation in your town or community. The census bureau is a good resource for basic demographics. 

2. While we've highlighted some driving factors of food insecurity in the Greater Lafayette Area, each community is different. Talk to local experts in your community to find out what the primary factors are impacting food insecurity for residents in your own town or county. Some examples of experts may be government officials, extension agents, and non-governmental organizations (NGO's) that run food banks. Include your findings in 2-3 paragraphs. 

3. Find out what solutions are already being implemented. Many governmental and non-governmental programs are offered in communities around the nation. Look into programs that offer food, financial planning, and nutrition education. Describe 3-4 programs and what services they offer in 3-4 paragraphs. 

4. Propose your own solution! After examining the present situation of food and nutritional insecurity in your community develop your own proposal to help mitigate these problems. Look around to see what solutions are in place and working for other communities. Think about ways these could be adapted to your community or come up with your own unique solution. Proposals should either improve on a current solution, replace a current solution, or be a new solution altogether. 

5. Include references and proper citation. The OWL website through Purdue offers help to complete this properly. 

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